Conan Liang


About Conan

Conan is a Principal at Meliora, where he collaborates with clients nationwide, leveraging his extensive expertise in engineering, operations management, and strategy deployment.

Before joining Meliora, Conan held leadership roles at global Oilfield Technology and Service providers, where he implemented Continuous Improvement Systems (CIS) as a Director of Continuous Improvement. His international experience includes living and working in dynamic manufacturing environments across Singapore, the United States, and Canada, where he developed a deep appreciation for working with diverse cultures and teams.

Conan’s initiatives have consistently delivered substantial financial benefits while focusing on stabilization and creating structures for organizations to continuously improve. Additionally, Conan holds patents in the oilfield artificial lift sector and is a Subject Matter Expert (SME) in an industrial electroplating process that is a closely guarded trade secret.

Conan earned his BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Alberta and is a certified Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt.